never say this in front of mirror at nightBlog

never say this in front of mirror at night

I knew I could not destroy the mirror because i felt to my soul it would only make things worse. Thank you for your input. Smaller Mirrors Belong on Smaller Walls, and Vice Versa. To take Jays question further, the mirror does not face bed directly.. but due to it being on the side of the bed, it does reflect a part of the bed. That being said, make sure you put a lot of muscle behind the break! You Can Act How You Feel, Not How You Look When you look down at yourself from where you're standing rather than glancing. It was horrible, Im never going to sleep in front of a mirror again ! Take heed in these warnings. Make sure that youre doing this on Halloween night as well. Blogger and owner of Feng Shui Nexus. I was ashamed. For the best possible look (and good vibes! Let me know if you need my service: -Victor. It clearly shows you what thoughts you will need to change if you want to have a joyous, fulfilling life. If you or someone you know is getting married, then this one is for you! I lived in the mirror realm for much too long. How about just removing the mirror instead of breaking it? The game Truth or Dare has been around for quite some time, but have you ever been dared to summon a ghost? Try covering the mirror when you sleep, see if that helps. Then, take the ninth slice and throw it into the mirror. . I didnt believe in Quija boards, until it felt like 1000 people were watching me sleep at night, even though I couldnt see or hear anything. Didnt wake up once during the night. From the moment we moved into the hotel I became a completely different person. A cavern opened in my mind, black, full of rumor, suggestion, of half-heard, half . Could mirror be the reason to this? The very bed, in its sweet disorder, testified to vileness. -Victor, hi um one question what if my mom dosnt wanna remove it plz answer fast because she had one and me to for hard sleeping and its scary, Hi, One easy way is to cover the mirror with a blanket or piece of cloth. However, If youre caught staring into the mirror for too long, they might just take your soul. So much more has happened. Thanks for sharing it with us! If you have a Quija board in your house, and if you feel like you cant sleep at night, destroy the Quija board, get rid of it completely. Is that OK ? Safety glass still breaks; it just doesn't shatter. Alice runs. Your personal data will be used to manage your access to your account. If the outside of the restroom (option 1) is a bit dark, you can use the mirror to illuminate the area. It is our biological trait that allows us to survive on Earth. Priya said: "Avoid having any large mirrors reflecting you whilst you sleep as these activate the energy and can cause a disturbance with sleep." Legend has it that spirits from the other side will suck your soul out through the mirror. When sleeping, it is advisable to have nothing in your line of sight that stimulates you. -Victor, Two mirrors in living room one cover the fire place and one hanging on the walls back of the sofa.its that bad luck, Hi Senolita, This should be ok. Good article. The notion that you're not supposed to sleep in front of a mirror comes from feng shui. Allahumma antha hasantha khalqi fa hasintha khulqi. check ourselves out. These reflections will naturally alarm or even startle you. Let me remind you that the terms used to interpret feng shui was quite different in ancient times. Asian cultures believe that gifting a new couple mirror on their wedding day will bring bad luck. By the way nice article! The Feng Chui experts consider it bad because it may result in undesired consequences like nightmares, insomnia and depleted energy. -Victor. Neber said anything to nobody cause they might think i was crazy.. He put his hand into the glove-hole of his front do or and let it know his touch. Most of the time, I know that Im just scaring myself. I have always wanted a full length mirror. They were having paranormal phenomena in the house including objects flying off walls and shelves and breaking, hearing voices, seeing things, orbs, shadows. You will start to see your face getting deformed. I am a believer because I have noticed other changes apart from this And its total shift of energy . When you see that, dont be startled by it, and please dont start imagining things. Symbols create reality, and make physical reality manifest. However, I have a low bed and the mirror is set high on the I cant see my reflection when laying down. An explanation for this is that when we sleep at night, our soul leaves the body. Looking into the mirror and being this monster, horrible and transformed into something evil. This folklore ritual claims that if you light a candle in a dimly lit room and chant Bloody Mary 3x into a mirror, you will see a woman dripping with blood in the reflection. i have mirror inbuilt in my bed at headbox. I took down the mirror, and for the tv its on a mount I faced it away from bed and covered it at night. Its definitely better than head under window and facing door. Thanks for sharing your experience with us! I can now peacefully head back to sleep. This being said, if youre actively trying to scare yourself, it probably wont have the same effect. Looking into a mirror often is said to make you less socially awkward, and help you develop a better sense of self. Because you expect nothing to be moving at where the mirror is. My sons room has no window and it only has 2 glass sliding doors that is as high as the wall (ceiling to floor). Can mirrors collect souls. Its similar to the many stories thats prevalent in societies where paranormal activity is widely accepted. I wake up more refreshed less tired. MIRROR. Mirrors are fantastic for reflection as we know, but theyre also great for reflecting sounds. They smile and approach the baby in a friendly way. On the complete opposite wall of this door and of the wall in the loft is a sliding glass door, however, this mirror would not reflect anything from that sliding glass door since its in a 2nd floor. And specially if you're alone at home, then don't ignore mirror as much as can if it is placed in dark areas, if there is light than you look yourself in mirror and ignore it but under in 10 seconds. You should be fine as long as the mirror doesnt directly reflect your body when youre in bed. This is said to cause mirrors to tarnish, or even turn into an image of the deceased. I think if you are superstitious then you are probably more likely to have issues. In this guide, we expose the top mirror myths and superstitions, ranging from. People have claimed to see faces of the dead appear in old antique mirrors. This is why it is said you will not be a true believer unless you love for your brother what you love for yourself.Today unfortunately we are all selfish not wanting for my brother what I want for myself.If the mirror is banished it would reflect exactly what . -Victor. Feng shui expert Vicky Sweetlove revealed to Mattress Next Day: "When a mirror is placed in front of the bed, it is . It could also cause you to hear things. So if I just covered my mirror with a blanket it would help? Are they black or white shadows? I woke up at 2 in the morning and its 5 now. Mirrors reflect light rays such that the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence. I have never been affected by mirrors. As for Feng Shui, I can hardly give you any advice without a full review of your place. O Allah, just as You have made my external features beautiful, make my character beautiful as well. According to the principles of feng shui, mirrors are a powerful tool when it comes to increasing lighting and reflecting energy. Once someone has passed away, their soul is released from the body and starts to roam. And for those that are able to go back to sleep after being scared by their own reflection, you are likely to experience bad dreams or even nightmares. a room divider? Pretty gruesome, right? First off I would never look in a mirror at midnight. Of course I checked it out and nothing..My parents were on vacation in Vegas at the time. With 1080P front and rear cameras, 70mai Rearview Dash Cam Wide records double-vision live videos without any blind spot. Doorways, windows, mirrors, shiny mirror like surfaces (like pools of water) and certain symbols, are actually demonic gateways. One of these is that at night, creatures from other worlds look at you through the mirror. -Victor. The man was convinced it was a ghost of a woman who might be attracted to him and he had a cleansing and exorcism done on the house. Your husband-to-be will appear in the mirror to catch the ninth slice of apple. On the day it left my house my 2 year old said the bad man left as she cried hysterically in a way I have never seen her cry. My partner experienced the same. Staring into a bright light can damage your eyes and looking at yourself in the mirror can be just as bright. Hey Victor ! I have a mirror facing my bed but I dont see my reflection it just reflects the end of my bed is this okay? Superstitious or what. I am so happy I paid attention to something many people dont believe in. Feng shui is an old Chinese art that involves arranging your house, objects, and living space in certain ways to better balance your life. -Victor. From the shoulders to the feet. Thanks for sharing your experience with us! Hi Gillian, Im truly sorry about your loss. I dont know what to make of it, but she is going to try to get him to agree to just remove the mirrors. This way, if evil spirits were to enter their place of worship, they would see their reflection and run away. Don't hang them where you sleep. Based on my personal experience, I would never question this age old piece of Feng Shui advice: DO NOT place a mirror in front of your bed. Choose your fatestare carefully. Or keep it in a closed room, behind closed doors. It doesnt necessarily have to be a mirror, any highly reflective object will do. Because the mirror doubles and bounces all sorts of energy, it disrupts the tranquility needed in a bedroom for better sleep. You know that experiment where you stare into the mirror at your own eyes and hold the gaze until you start seeing your face go all weird. AskReddit, Ouija-style. As you learn to do mirror work, you will become much more aware of . Thank you, Hi Priti, Im glad it worked! One day I will break it and pretend that i dont know why it was broken since it gives me a bad luck. It was believed to be used to ward evil away much like the mirrors in China. is it a bad sign? A Hadith says Mumin are like mirrors.So if one looks in the mirror it tells him exactly what is in him neither adding nor subtracting. Photo by Ekrulila from Pexels. A new twist on the classic mirror game, this Reddit-popularized rite involves setting up candles, a fan, mirrors, three chairs one that you sit in and two that you place mirrors upon and then. They began to see distortions of their face at first, such as a missing eyebrow or slanted lips. you yet encounter any so dont speak too soon. Im glad to hear that youre sleeping well now!!! Just wanted to share this story! So if you have a mirror right next to you when you sleep, you will notice any movement from the mirrors reflection. Required fields are marked *. I repeat, do not try it. However, the paranormal activity continued. I never have a large mirror in my bedroom, but romovalist accidentially placed there, being busy, i never noticed until three weeks . So at 3am I came across this article, although not providing me with the answers im seeking, it did give me food for thought. Some people have what is so-called sleep drunkenness, where visual sensors are not at 100% awake when the person wakes up from sleep. In fact, many experts suggest this when you go to bed. To prevent trapped souls and demons roaming about, simply keep your mirrors covered if someone passes. Other than that Ive never had any issues with mirrors. -Victor. Back in World War 2, the United Kingdom (England) used mirrors to detect sound waves coming from enemy aircraftso they could prepare their air defenses. Umm we like to look at ourselves in bed. The first half of the video below will help you understand this phenomenon. Likewise, many people feel quite uncomfortable having a mirror situated so that they can see themselves when they're in bed. I moved my tv to face my bed more and my insomnia got worse. Even though I dont know your story, I feel like I have had a similar experience as you with a mirror recently. Turn the knob to reduce glare from the headlamps. You can walk up to your mirrors and swipe on them 3 times with your hand, motioning across the surface of the mirror, while stating the mirror is now closed. However, the best bet is to simply cover the mirror when you are not using it. Here's what they found: - Young infants (age 6-12 months) seem to think the baby in the mirror is another baby. At least now you know better. Several occasions I remember what felt like being choked and not being able to move or speak. 7% of our activities are done on conscious level, 97% is on subconscious. Hi Victor. Hi, Facing part of the bed is better than facing the whole bed. Ambers method is a solution too. So if you sleep by a partner that snores, you may notice that the irritating sound is louder than when you sleep somewhere else, perhaps a hotel room without a mirror facing the bed. Keep in mind that there are other objects in your bedroom that embodies the mirror effect. Here are just seven reasons you shouldn't look in a mirror every day. Please do not stare into the eyes of your reflection in the mirror. Hi Marie, That situation would be much better. Hi Audry, A mirror facing the sliding door isnt bad. Mr. Cheung my experience with a mirror and tv facing my bed since I moved into my place has been very impacting. Then I thought of my father, who had no one in the world but me, my mother having died when I was little. Have you ever wondered if mirrors cause bad luck? All symbols create a specific hyperspace vortex, which can be seen and identified in the higher dimensions. It was bloody terrifying so I just cried and once more he screams again, all I could do was lay there shaking I cried once more, for him to let out a laugh. Cat scratching reflective surfaces. Then we started reading about its affect on Internet but he didnt take it seriously. Hi Kara, Yes, that is the easiest and most economical way. 10 seconds are not the worst scenario, if you did you can move on in atleast 30-60 minutes if you succeed to engage yourself in other thing. Actually, give yourself a pat on the back, because you just gave yourself some luck! Then I took a bar of soap and rubbed it onto a section of the mirror. Because the mirror reflects back to you the feelings you have about yourself. This will tell you how much you truly understand yourself and how much you hate it. Hi Sheetaal, Im truly sorry for your loss Sending you my best wishes. =) -Victor. They run with their blue eyes. While its hard to say how accurate this belief is, its always better to be safe than sorry. this mirror at an estate sale because after I had seen a picture of it I wanted it. Im starting to feel a over emotional need to not leave this bedroom. Wishing you well! Legend says she may scream at you, or even reach through the mirror and wrap her cold hands around your throat. A true mirror uses two first surface mirrors place perfectly against each other at a 90 degree angle. The man had been having this activity in the house even prior to the arrival of the new girlfriend. Pieces never tell the whole story. Large full length mirrors positioned on opposite walls near the head of the bed. -Victor, So many deep insights that has obliterated by civilization and modernism. There are so many people practice astral traveling its not even funny, who knows who is watching you when you sleep, I do t think Santa is the only one. My cat will constantly jump up on his hind legs and proceed to scratch vigorously at the mirror in my bedroom. Bobbing for apples originated as a fortune telling game, and each apple would represent a potential suitor for a lovely lady. CAT PAWING AT MIRRORS AND GLASS. cat scratches mirror. Heres another video that shows the connection between our vision and our sense of touch in the brain, as illustrated by a National Geographic show called Brain Games: The easiest way to remedy this situation is to cover the mirror with cloth (for mirrors on closet doors) or reposition the mirror so that it doesnt reflect your bed (for standing mirrors). So iv just moved back into my mums house its quite and old place, but she bought it about 4 years ago. The use of mirrors proved useful only for a short while because as planes flew faster, the mirrors failed to provide the early warning as desired. i m sorry to post it in reply section but i posted it because my mirror positioning is same as that of jessica. How would I remedy that? Test and see whether you experience any improvements or not. I cant remember the last time I had a nightmare and Ive had mirrors in my room for years, Hi Daniel, Totally agree with you. Next day we went for swimming, something happened and I have lost him forever. They feel awkward at first and become firm beliefs over time. Heres what other people experienced. Mirrors apparently increase energy and direct it the opposite way.. Taking it down was the best decision I couldve made. Wherever there is an energy vacuum, there is potential for negative energy to creep in. It is believed that this can lead a third party to private relationships. Its got a glass mirrored wardrobe where the view stretches, and you can see the entire room, its not far off my bed like 1.5-2m off. To tell you the truth, new age spiritualism is on the rise due to these false dogmas. Hey Shreya, see if placing the mirror somewhere else would help. My 6ft 2in son slept like this and was killed in car accident 2 year ago, his neck was broke. Just because of your achievements in bodybuilding are significant, it doesnt mean that you should shut your brain from other knowledge whether its real or superficial. According to researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, our eyes detect movement through a neural circuit in the retina at the back of our eyes. I would always wake up during the night and have really bad insomnia. There is science experiments on the mirror tests. Im glad that you feel more balanced and positive again! So I did the only thing I felt I could, I sold it, for only $20. I was curious as to why they say this, so I asked about other peoples experiences and dug into some scientific literatures for explanation. Save. I read last week that you shouldnt have the tallest member of a family facing a mirror with sight of head chopped off. You need to find a professional exorcist rather than a Feng Shui expert for this. It can also cause sleeplessness and nightmares. "Happy! If I even saw anything in that mirror but myself I would literally run out of the house screaming and sleep outside. Hi Viviana, Scary experience you got there. Repression. It worked. DO use large mirrors in tiny rooms. Photo by Kin Shing Lai on Unsplash. -Victor. Never drive faster than is safe for current conditions BACKING UP YOUR VEHICLE IS: A. Therefore, before sleeping in front of a mirror, ensure that another mirror is not reflecting in it. Every mirror in the house. I recently moved apartments. It was the face of a girl with BIG, really, really BIG, white eyes and long black hair. I could go on..but anyway, I used to love mirrors and now Im much more cautious about bringing them into my home especially any pre-owned ones. I KNEW this was my chance. If so, what was your experience? 1. To your point, I would add that people should stay away from the Ouija boards thats been used, or other symbols thats been used for some ritual. and if you dont, you can just close this page, we dont need people like you to preach. I am doing mirror work right now with 2 other people, contact me here and let me know whats going on. In this guide, we expose the top mirror myths and superstitions, ranging from Bloody Mary to broken mirrors. Blue-sky eyes blue--like Mrs. Forrest's blue blouse eyes morning-glory-blue-eyes. Some people believe that, after a person passes away, the next person to look in the mirror will be the next to die. 90 degree angle your husband-to-be will appear in the morning and its total shift of,! 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