himmler daughter interviewBlog

himmler daughter interview

The bomb Stauffenburg used came from the English. He studied agriculture at university, and joined the Nazi Party in 1923 and the SS in 1925. Nature is clear about that, the problem, or question is who he is. They died fighting for a better world in which a man is judged by the way he cares for his people and their future on this earth. Gudrun: I met the Fhrer many times. We were just helping and protecting families falsely labeled as criminals and accused of false crimes. BERLIN -- Germany's foreign intelligence agency has confirmed that the daughter of top Nazi Heinrich Himmler, who led the SS, worked for it as a secretary in the early 1960s. Despite being surrounded by overwhelming evidence of the atrocity committed by her father she tries to re-write her own version of history. These homes gave women a safe haven to prepare for birth and stay after birth. We were very successful in getting donations to help them support their families. Between May 3 and 11 the group moved south, sleeping in barns, fields and deserted stations. This interview was done in Munich, in 1992 with Gudrun Himmler (Burwitz). Born in Munich in 1929, [2] Gudrun Himmler was the daughter of Heinrich Himmler, Reichsfhrer-SS, Chief of Police and Security forces, and Reich Minister of the Interior in Nazi Germany. . She arranged his stay at an expensive nursing home in Pullach, until he was sentenced to life in prison. It became lazy, drenched in liberal thought, even suggesting homosexuals should be allowed in society, and that race does not matter to the creator who created the races. It was the Allies who are the masters of propaganda, convincing millions that a nation and its people must die and suffer because they are a threat to freedom. Gudrun Margarete Elfriede Emma Anna Burwitz was the daughter of Heinrich Himmler and Margaret Himmler. Those in charge fell for that claim, and came down harshly on people even if just by rumor, something Heydrich would have been against as he would have wanted hard evidence. Although separated from his wife, Himmler remained close to his daughter. The prisoners were very friendly, I asked one man who was a communist how he liked the camp; he of course said he would rather be home, but life here was not terrible. She did not weep, but went on hunger strikes. The Allies hid their involvement and tried to make it seem like noble Germans stood against evil, but the truth is the English tried many times to use plants in high places to kill the Fhrer. There is a difference between National Socialism and German rule. You worked with Silent Help; can you tell me what this is? Later he always gave me a box of chocolates.. The BND told Bild newspaper. [Above: Heinrich and Gudrun Himmler at an official event in 1938]. I heard my father give orders that life in the transit and prison camps be made comfortable and tolerable for the prisoners. Due to the fact that she refused to take on another name, she constantly had to start from scratch, introduce herself, say her name, her father s name. One gets hungry after not eating for 10 days or so. Accepting her husband's Jewish name was out of the question for Katrin in later years. You no doubt are referring to my fathers good friend Reinhard Heydrich when you speak of Czechoslovakia. They are infiltrating kindergartens, schools and other organisations. Gudrun: Not in a million years. For in her heart Gudrun Burwitz remains Gudrun Himmler, the beloved daughter of Nazi Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler, the lord of death in the Third Reich who ran the Gestapo, the SS and the entire extermination programme which murdered six million Jews. Heinrich Himmler (front right, beside prisoner) inspecting Dachau Concentration Camp on 8 May 1936.Photo: Bundesarchiv, Bild 152-11-12 / CC-BY-SA 3.0 Katrin Himmler only thought of changing her surname when she was a girl . National Socialism was born due to a nation being plundered and taken advantage of, with the people lacking the proper will to live and fight for their future. 2023 BBC. [Above: Heinrich Himmler speaking to a Russian P.O.W. She lost weight, fell sick, and stopped developing. National Socialism was born a hard birth and died a fiery death, but it must happen that way to waken more of our racial brethren than what Germany had the power to do. When I started to remember my life, it was 1934 and I remember my father coming home in his sharp black uniform, and I would take his cap and play with it. They went all over the world looking into the history of the Europeans, and looking for evidence of the paths the tribes took coming into Europe. . There are those who disagree, saying that National Socialism was hateful, racist, divisive, and pure evil, you do not believe this to be factual? I want to start with the Lebensborn, because that is probably the least understood and is a prime example of how caring and charitable the SS was. Wewelsburg was nothing but a retreat and research center for SS men. I was impressed with how happy the prisoners were; we moved through the camp with no guards and had prisoners showing us what they did day to day. She was 14 when he died and, far from disowning her father, she remained as fiercely devoted to him as he was to Hitler, keeping a scrapbook of every newspaper picture she could find of him. It has just 40 members but gets money from rich industrialists sympathetic to the Nazi cause and an estimated 1,000 others from Europes rag-tag far right. Nothing sinister in this either. We worship God by thanking him for our history, and honoring our ancestors who brought us forward into the age we are in. On May 3 in Flensburg, the Third Reichs final capital, Himmler shaved off his moustache, put on an eyepatch and adopted the name Heinrich Hitzinger, a sergeant executed for disloyalty. We lost due to being outnumbered and overwhelmed, even the most elite fighting men in the world could not stop it. Therefore, my father respected the Church, many SS officers were Catholic, and he had no wish to anger Christians. There were people in the occupied countries who actually killed the mother and child, just because there was a German father. These were homes for wives of SS men where they could go have a child in a resort-like setting. Only Czechs motivated by politics, mainly communists and Jews were the resistance. 'Princess of Nazism': Gudrun Burwitz is keeping her father's memory alive, Nazi sympathiser: Gudrun Burwitz waves in the most recent picture in 2011, Daddy's girl: With father Heinrich at a Berlin stadium a year before the war in 1938, Family fun: The Himmlers at the time Heinrich was masterminding death, Death camp: 36,000 people were murdered at Dachau by the Nazis, Lord of death: Heinrich Himmler during the war. Gudrun: My father was a man of incredible honor, love, and loyalty. Gudrun: I met the Fhrer many times. Gudrun: I was around many if not all of the high leaders of the SS, so you could say I know more about the organization my father founded than most. France was the same way; the people were treated very well, only the die-hard communists formed a resistance, which the average French person wanted no part of. That was the essence of National Socialism; everything was done for the people, to help improve everyone's life and happiness. The idea of a people standing on their own two feet and taking the reins of their future are offensive to those who want to plunder and make huge profits off of a people they slowly want to destroy. They died fighting for a better world in which a man is judged by the way he cares for his people and their future on this earth. Although legal, the organisation she runs operates in a moral grey zone. Wewelsburg was set up so an SS member could study all about our history, our genetic makeup that makes us whom we are, and how to preserve it. She also provided help to Klaas Carel Faber, a convicted Dutch Nazi. My father did not hate the Church or persecute the Church. At that time the organisation was under the control of Reinhard Gehlen, a former Nazi military intelligence commander who left the BND in 1968. Gudrun, now 85, knows it well, for she used to visit it as a child with her father, who called her Puppi, meaning Doll. To me, the photo of him dead is a retouched photo of when he was alive.. Did you ever see a concentration camp? He also spoke about the East and people he met in the camps. We truly live in a world upside down. HEINRICH HIMMLER - INTERVIEW. I dont believe he swallowed that poison capsule, she said. Himmler was to have an examination of his mouth on May 23. Her father had one of the most powerful roles during the Holocaust, but Gudrun refused to see it. One picture has her laughing and joking as he looks on adoringly. We also worked with Otto Skorzeny to help move people out of Allied held areas so that they were not facing kangaroo court justice. Through her adulthood, Gudrun stayed faithful to her father. After being taken into British custody in 1945 he killed himself, evading trial for war crimes. They were afraid of fate where SS men were fearless and stared fate in the eyes. I was around my father often, even during the war, if there was a state plan to kill Jews I would have heard it, even if by accident. Stille Hilfe was quite simply an organization created to help fight for pensions for former SS men who served their nation in time of war. Her father was in Hitler's inner circle and is viewed as the chief architect of the Holocaust. My father asked the questions as to why, where and how. Germany had some of the most advanced anthropologists, genetic scientists, historians, and supporting staff to help find the answers to why we exist and how it all came to be. Himmler was like that he regularly took his child on the plane with him on his murderous travels around Germany and its conquered lands. Nothing sinister about looking into your past to see about improving your future. He was always so kind and spoke to me as if everything I said to him meant a lot. Did you ever see a concentration camp? During the funeral for Heydrich, thousands upon thousands of Czechs turned out to bid him farewell. It shows you how powerful propaganda is. This was their way to weaken a nations gene pool and kill off the best of the best, making their conquest easier. The Fhrer and those around him saw the problems, identified what was causing the problems, and showed the solution to solve the problems. We fought so that the world would be a better place; we insisted that Germany be given control of its destiny. The BND agency declassified the documents on Gudrun Burwitz-Himmler at the Bild newspaper's request. Every race was given a way to worship their creator, the European people found a God who worked well for us for 2 thousand years. Gudrun Himmler is the recognized princess of the Third Reich and one of Germany's most famous girls during the war, the daughter of the Reichsfuehrer. I was around my father often, even during the war, if there was a state plan to kill Jews I would have heard it, even if by accident. Gudrun: Yes I did, in 1941 my father asked me to come with him so I could see how prisoners were getting along in Germanys largest and oldest camp. German Tabloid Bild reported on her post-war involvement with the BND on Friday, following her death in Munich last month. I heard my father give orders that life in the transit and prison camps be made comfortable and tolerable for the prisoners. Gudrun: Not in a million years. Every race was given a way to worship their creator, the European people found a God who worked well for us for 2 thousand years. My father was very proud of these homes; they show the National Socialist love for life and charity. They found evidence of European, who also can mostly be called Aryan, mummies in Tibet and China, Iran, and all over what we call Persia or the Middle East. Gudrun: No, I heard enough evidence by speaking with my fathers friends and those who were with him until the end. We worship God by thanking him for our history, and honoring our ancestors who brought us forward into the age we are in. Gudrun Himmler, the daughter of Heinrich Himmler and Margarete Himmler, was born on 8th August, 1929. The Allies claim the entire SS was a criminal organization, killing Jews, surrendered soldiers, civilians, and every other group. A 1938 photo of Heinrich Himmler and his daughter Gudrun at a sports even in Berlin. The Ahnenerbe was nothing but an archeological research institute run by the SS. I was impressed with how happy the prisoners were; we moved through the camp with no guards and had prisoners showing us what they did day to day. Delicious Aryan traits, good manners and the best contacts with the dome of Nazism made the daughter of Heihrich Himmler the de facto princess of . She likes it if you think of her as some Mrs Doubtfire figure but that is not the case. He was always so kind and spoke to me as if everything I said to him meant a lot. Her death in Munich, aged 88,. What he disagreed with was the Judeo influence on the Church; Germany had some sects who worshiped the Jew as the only people close to God. This was in 1941, when we were supposed to be killing them all. We also worked with Otto Skorzeny to help move people out of Allied held areas so that they were not facing kangaroo court justice. The real reason he was killed was that he was so good; the English then spread disinformation to us saying it was Czech partisans rising up with help from the people. You no doubt are referring to my fathers good friend Reinhard Heydrich when you speak of Czechoslovakia. Life of Gudrun. Obviously the woman has a problem she was taught hatred from her parents and can not let it go. He gave a speech, which I attended, where I heard him exalt and chastise his officers regarding not policing fairly. We had many small conversations regarding school and my past times. Our people, the Europeans, have created all the great civilizations, have set foot on every continent, and have brought great good to the whole world. They died fighting for a better world in which a man is judged by the way he cares for his people and their future on this earth. When I was little he used to give me dolls. Gundrun with her father, Heinrich Himmler, 1938. Every week Gudrun visited him with fruit and chocolates in a residence built on land once owned by Hitlers deputy Rudolf Hess. I am still with this organization and was happy that your President Reagan visited Bitburg where many SS men rest to lay a wreath. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. According to journalist Andrea Roepke: The Silent Help is not only about former National Socialists. He is buried in an unmarked grave on Luneburg heath. What he disagreed with was the Judeo influence on the Church; Germany had some sects who worshiped the Jew as the only people close to God. He had so much knowledge of the war, what started it, how it was fought, dirt on heads of state, and most of all the work with the Jews to help remove inmates from overcrowded camps. The BND told Bild . Two years before he died in his bed, she came to the defence of Klaas Carel Faber, 90 a Dutchman who served with the SS in Holland where he murdered Jews to prevent his being extradited to his homeland from Germany, where he lived in peace and quiet. Although separated from his wife, Himmler remained close to his daughter. They were ruled by Germany, and under occupation, which many did not like, it had nothing to do with National Socialism. They have no idea they were the evil ones, fighting an evil war against an innocent nation and its people. Gudrun Burwitz-Himmler, daughter of Nazi and SS leader Heinrich Himmler, was employed by Germany's intelligence service in the 1960s, although she never renounced her father or Nazism, and remained active in far-right extremism, the agency confirmed. By the end of the war, homes were open to all women all over Europe who had gotten pregnant by a German soldier, and who needed help. This is somewhat hard to explain to someone who is not German, but I will try. He called his blond, pigtailed daughter. We were just helping and protecting families falsely labeled as criminals and accused of false crimes. Often quoted is a rally of neo-Nazis she attended in Ulrichsberg, Austria, several years ago, where she was idolised by SS veterans. 3 and 11 the group moved south, sleeping in barns, fields and deserted stations question Katrin. 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