how to de annex from a city in texasBlog

how to de annex from a city in texas

(e) Signatures collected on the petition must be in writing. (2) publish notice of the hearings in a newspaper of general circulation: (B) in the area proposed for annexation; and. Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. (1) require the creation of another political subdivision; (2) require a landowner in the area to fund the capital improvements necessary to provide municipal services in a manner inconsistent with Chapter 395 unless otherwise agreed to by the landowner; (3) provide services in the area in a manner that would have the effect of reducing by more than a negligible amount the level of fire and police protection and emergency medical services provided within the corporate boundaries of the municipality before annexation; (4) provide services in the area in a manner that would have the effect of reducing by more than a negligible amount the level of fire and police protection and emergency medical services provided within the area before annexation; or. An amended service plan must provide for services that are comparable to or better than those established in the service plan before amendment. Sept. 1, 1989. (b) A notice to a public school district shall contain a description of: (1) the area within the district proposed for annexation; (2) any financial impact on the district resulting from the annexation, including any changes in utility costs; and. 36, eff. (2) "Limited-purpose annexation" means annexation authorized under Section 43.121. 347), Sec. (d) Within 10 days after the date on which the election is held, the governing body of the smaller municipality shall canvass the election returns and by resolution shall declare the results of the election. (d) Area annexed under Subsection (b) is included in computing the amount of area that a municipality may annex under Section 43.055 in a calendar year. 6 (S.B. 1312), Sec. (4) "Regional development agreement" means a contract or agreement entered into under this section or in anticipation of the enactment of this section and any amendment, modification, supplement, addition, renewal, or extension to or of the contract or agreement or any proceeding relating to the contract or agreement. (d) This section does not authorize the municipality to extend its boundaries to include area that is part of or belongs to another municipality. June 17, 1997. (c) For purposes of this section, "full municipal services" means services provided by the annexing municipality within its full-purpose boundaries, including water and wastewater services and excluding gas or electrical service. MUNICIPAL INCORPORATION IN ANNEXED AREA. (c) This section does not apply to a defunding municipality annexing all or part of an area under Section 43.0116 that was designated an industrial district under Section 42.044(b) or the subject of an agreement under Section 42.044(c) as of January 1, 2021. That operating contract may extend for a period, not to exceed 30 years, stipulated in the contract and is subject to amendment, renewal, or termination by the mutual consent of the governing bodies. (c) If an agreement is not reached within 90 days after the date the municipality receives a petition submitted by a district: (1) the district's status is automatically altered from full-purpose annexation to limited-purpose annexation for a period of not less than 10 years, beginning January 1 of the year following the date of the submission of a petition, unless the voters of the district have approved the dissolution of the district through an election authorized by this section; and, (2) on the expiration of the 10-year period of Subdivision (1), notwithstanding any other provision of law, the district may be restored to full-purpose annexation at the option of the municipality, provided that the municipality assumes all obligations otherwise assigned by law to a municipality that annexes a district; and. Sec. GENERAL AUTHORITY TO ANNEX. 347), Sec. Sept. 1, 1989; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. The full-purpose annexation conversion date established by a strategic partnership agreement may be altered only by mutual agreement of the district and the municipality. 6), Sec. June 9, 2017. May 24, 2019. unitary. 43.0688. 374), Sec. The governing body of a Type A general-law municipality by ordinance may annex area that the municipality owns under the procedures prescribed by Subchapter C-1. (c) During the public hearing, the governing body: (1) must provide persons interested in the annexation the opportunity to be heard; and. 3, eff. (2) the sworn affidavit of the publisher of the newspaper in which the notice was published, stating the name of the newspaper and the issue and date of publication. 1, eff. #7. 1, eff. May 24, 2019. (e) If the municipality annexes only part of the area in the district, the district may contract with the municipality for the municipal operation of the district's utility systems and other property and for the transfer, conveyance, or sale of those systems and that property, regardless of kind or location inside or outside municipal boundaries, to the municipality on terms to which the governing bodies of the district and municipality agree. Aug. 28, 1989. (b) The municipality may collect signatures on the petition only during the period beginning on the 31st day after the date the governing body of the municipality adopts the resolution under Section 43.0682 and ending on the 180th day after the date the resolution is adopted. The first one is rarely considered; if something is in the budget, it is almost unfailingly assumed to be needed or at least desirable. (B) contains fewer than one occupied residence or business structure for every two acres and fewer than three occupied residences or business structures on any one acre. 155 (H.B. 1949), Sec. The 2014 Act extended the review of state policies governing comprehensive growth plans and changes in municipal boundaries begun by Public Chapter 441 on which the Commission released an interim report in December 2013. (2) contiguous to the area being annexed under Subchapter C-3, C-4, C-5, or D. (b) A municipality may annex a right-of-way under this section only if: (1) the municipality provides written notice of the annexation to the owner of the right-of-way, through the owner's registered agent, if applicable, not later than the 61st day before the date of the proposed annexation; and. (7) be presented to the secretary of the municipality. 393, Sec. Sec. 43.0116. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. (3) the entire water or sewer district would be contained in the annexing municipality after completion of the annexation. 1, eff. With respect to any larger parcels of property, consent of the owners of at least 51 percent of the total affected territory must be evidenced by appropriate signatures on the limited-purpose annexation request. Permits and Inspections Apply, pay, schedule inspections and check status. 6 (S.B. When faced with budgetary problems an urban government in a state that permits forcible annexation has certain choices: 1) reduce spending, 2) raise taxes, or 3) add high-value property to its boundaries. 1900), Sec. AUTHORITY OF CERTAIN MUNICIPALITIES TO ANNEX ENCLAVES. Amended by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. Sec. The municipality may annex for limited purposes any land for which the landowner requests annexation and provides to the municipality before the effective date of the annexation the landowner's written consent to annexation for limited purposes. Sept. 1, 1999. A home-rule municipality may disannex an area in the municipality according to rules as may be provided by the charter of the municipality and not inconsistent with the procedural rules prescribed by this chapter. PUBLIC HEARING. Sept. 1, 1987. (3) a description, list, and schedule of services to be provided by the municipality in the area on or after annexation as provided by Section 43.0692. An agreement may be extended only once under this subsection. <> Sept. 1, 1999. Notwithstanding any provision of any other law related to the annexation or disannexation of territory, including but not limited to the requirement that the minimum width of any territory annexed be at least 1,000 feet in width, a municipality that has exercised limited purpose annexation may disannex any land located within a municipal utility district. 6), Sec. Sec. 6 (S.B. An originally issued municipal revenue bond may not be refunded into municipal general obligation refunding bonds. Sec. (a) In a calendar year, a municipality may not annex a total area greater than 10 percent of the incorporated area of the municipality as of January 1 of that year, plus any amount of area carried over to that year under Subsection (b). (a) This section applies to a municipality with a population of more than 500,000 that annexes all or part of the area in a levee improvement district organized under the laws of this state. (5) a schedule that includes the period within which the municipality will provide each service that is not provided on the effective date of the annexation. December 1, 2017. 3, eff. Amended by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 2.18, eff. 43.0682. 1.01, eff. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. 43.063. Annexation reform passed and was signed into law by Gov. Sec. (f) To annex the entire part of a water or sewer district that is outside the municipality's boundaries, a general-law municipality incorporated after 1983 that is, after incorporation of the district, incorporated over all or any part of the district may annex territory by ordinance without the consent of the inhabitants or property owners of the territory. Consequently, the area subject to the boundary extension is a strip 5,000 feet wide and 20 miles in length, or as much of that strip as the governing body considers advisable to add to the municipality. Under the bill, if a city funds its police department at a level lower than it has for the past two fiscal years it loses its right to raise property taxes more than it did the year before. Aug. 28, 1989. June 15, 2007. (8) such other lawful terms that the parties consider appropriate. 1167, Sec. Added by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 43.121. 62, Sec. EFFECT OF ANNEXATION ON PUBLIC ENTITIES OR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS. 6 (S.B. 513, Sec. 1420, Sec. (h) The board of directors shall set the date of the election for the first uniform election date that falls on or after the 30th day after the date of the order. 6 (S.B. Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 103 (S.B. USE OF CONSENT PROCEDURES TO ANNEX FOR LIMITED PURPOSES. (p) This section shall be liberally construed so as to give effect to its legislative purposes and to sustain the validity of a regional participation agreement if the agreement was entered into under or in anticipation of enactment of this section. ABOLITION OF, OR DIVISION OF FUNCTIONS OF, WATER-RELATED SPECIAL DISTRICT THAT BECOMES PART OF NOT MORE THAN ONE MUNICIPALITY. We must now turn our attention to extraterritorial jurisdictions (ETJs). (4) "Planned community" means a planned community of 20 square miles or more with a population of 50,000 or more that is subject in whole or in part to a restrictive covenant that contains an ad valorem-based assessment on real property used or to be used, in any part, to fund governmental or quasi-governmental services and facilities within and for the planned community. ENFORCEMENT OF CHAPTER. The election shall be held on the first uniform election date prescribed by Chapter 41, Election Code, that occurs after the date on which the petition is filed and that affords enough time to hold the election in the manner required by law. Except as provided by Section 43.0751, beginning December 1, 2017, a municipality described by Section 43.121(a) may annex an area for the limited purposes of applying its planning, zoning, health, and safety ordinances in the area using the procedures under Subchapter C-3, C-4, or C-5, as applicable. 822, Sec. FI9ajK6MhD#$W:]11@k5W/8]-s1G{!)|B\jQSYiKeH>X>%sp\ \Ajt>1Ks8 + az[HJqX 9|nR@A*eWVlLw;?Xs In two cases, a city that provides water and sewer is required to extend those services to property owners who request it at no cost to the property owners. counties in the state of Texas, If you live outside the city limits, what unit of government manages electricity, water, sewer, and sanitation services?, A is chartered for localities with a population of less than 5,000 and more. (3) is annexed for limited purposes in connection with a strategic partnership agreement under Section 43.0751. A municipality or alternate form of local government resulting from an election described by this subsection is incorporated or established on the date a majority of the members of the governing body qualify and take office. (g) A regional participation agreement is not required to describe the land contained within the boundaries of a party to the agreement, but any territory to be released from the extraterritorial jurisdiction of an eligible municipality that is a party under an agreement must be described in sufficient detail to convey title to land and the description must be made a part of the agreement. Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. A person residing or owning land in an annexed area may enforce a service plan by applying for a writ of mandamus not later than the second anniversary of the date the person knew or should have known that the municipality was not complying with the service plan. September 1, 2021. 3, eff. 1, eff. Acts 2017, 85th Leg., 1st C.S., Ch. 347), Sec. 39, eff. Transferred, redesignated and amended from Local Government Code, Section 43.030 by Acts 2017, 85th Leg., 1st C.S., Ch. 2, 3, eff. 43.0684. 1.01, eff. PRESS RELEASE: CITY OF DEL RIO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION APPROVES INCENTIVES FOR TEXAS ROADHOUSE DEVELOPER. (a) If an area is disannexed, the municipality disannexing the area shall refund to the landowners of the area the amount of money collected by the municipality in property taxes and fees from those landowners during the period that the area was a part of the municipality less the amount of money that the municipality spent for the direct benefit of the area during that period. (d) The petition must include a map of and describe the area proposed to be annexed. The ballot for the election shall be printed to provide for voting for or against the proposition: "Authorizing the municipality of (name of the home-rule municipality) to annex the unincorporated area of the (name of the district).". If proceedings are completed while the election is pending, the annexation, to the extent that it includes area in the district, takes effect only if the election results in the defeat of the question and, in that case, it takes effect on the date the result of the election is officially declared. 1, eff. Sec. 155 (H.B. (k) If all the area in the district becomes a part of the municipality, the municipality, unless the refunding authorized by Subsection (l) has been accomplished, shall separately operate the district and municipal systems and property and may not commingle revenue if the municipality has outstanding bonds, warrants, or other bonded obligations payable from and secured by a pledge of the net revenue of its own utility system or property and does not have an amount annually accruing to its surplus revenue fund that exceeds the amount of the fund pledged to the payment of outstanding municipal obligations and that is sufficient to meet the annual obligations for which the district revenues are pledged. 3(k), eff. (b) Notwithstanding any contrary law or municipal charter provision, the governing body of a municipality and the governing body of one or more districts may enter into a regional development agreement to further regional cooperation between the municipality and the district. (3) any proposal the municipality has to abate, reduce, or limit any financial impact on the district. 1.01(12), eff. 43.013. Acts 2017, 85th Leg., 1st C.S., Ch. Reforming the annexation process (2) if the registered voters of the area do not own more than 50 percent of the land in the area, the municipality obtains consent to annex the area through a petition signed by more than 50 percent of the owners of land in the area. (b) A municipality may not annex an area to which this section applies unless: (1) the municipality offers to make a development agreement with the landowner under Section 212.172 that would: (A) guarantee the continuation of the extraterritorial status of the area; and, (B) authorize the enforcement of all regulations and planning authority of the municipality that do not interfere with the use of the area for agriculture, wildlife management, or timber; and. December 1, 2017. A landowner's written consent to limited-purpose annexation is binding on all future owners of land in the area annexed for limited purposes pursuant to the consent. Text of section as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. 1217 (S.B. September 1, 2013. On or after the 15th day but before the fifth day before the date of the first election held in which the residents of an area annexed for limited purposes are entitled to vote, the municipality shall publish notice in the form of a quarter-page advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality notifying the residents that they are eligible to vote in the election and stating the location of all polling places for the residents. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. The governing body of the municipality that proposes to annex an area under this subchapter must adopt a resolution that includes: Sec. 347), Sec. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. The refunding bonds must be issued in the manner provided by Chapter 1207, Government Code. 1064, Sec. (c) The municipality is not required to provide a service that is not included in the agreement. 1, eff. 155 (H.B. (b) Notwithstanding any other law, the governing body of a municipality by ordinance may annex an area without the consent of any of the residents of, voters of, or owners of land in the area under the procedures prescribed by Subchapter C-1. 11 0 obj 597, Sec. (a) This section applies only to a municipality that: (1) is wholly or partly located in a county in which a majority of the population of two or more municipalities, each with a population of 300,000 or more, are located; and, (A) is wholly surrounded by a municipality and within the municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction; and. 3(i), eff. ANNEXATION OF WATER-RELATED SPECIAL DISTRICT: REIMBURSEMENT OF LANDOWNER OR DEVELOPER; CONTINUATION OF DISTRICT AND TAXING AUTHORITY. =aMREL`Ut:16K J .KT#A.^U.nQeqMMB~(^T$|CPf&g@|9^@TKRZ/>At\q4qS^SF *)@VDLYw0rs&Feru#7Fmb_C %~({-f snRhhL)|I*H\QSFbK0!K)'f 15, eff. REGIONAL PARTICIPATION AGREEMENTS. The bill went into effect when (b) If a road annexed under Subsection (a) is a gravel road, the county retains control of granting access to the road and its right-of-way from property that: (1) is not located in the boundaries of the annexing municipality; and. That comprehensive zoning ordinance may not be repealed or amended for a period of 10 years unless the written consent of the landowners who own at least two-thirds of the surface land of the annexed smaller municipality is obtained. 2, eff. 16 0 obj This section does not affect the authority of a municipality to issue bonds for other purposes. 2.10, eff. 5 0 obj CERTAIN STRIP ANNEXATIONS PROHIBITED. Added by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. On finding that the municipality has failed to take the steps required by Section 43.127(b), the court shall enter an order requiring the municipality to annex the area for full purposes or to disannex the area. 401, Sec. DISANNEXATION ACCORDING TO MUNICIPAL CHARTER IN HOME-RULE MUNICIPALITY. Amended by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. (g) The board of directors of the district may order an election under this section. 1163 (H.B. (3) holding a final public hearing not earlier than the 10th day after the date of the public hearing under Subdivision (2) at which the ordinance annexing the area may be adopted. 952 (S.B. (4) submitting to the qualified voters of a designated area of the district the question of whether that designated area should adopt a specific alternate form of local government other than a municipality. June 15, 2007. The offices in the smaller municipality are abolished and the persons holding those offices are not entitled to further remuneration or compensation. (b) The municipality must obtain the consent required by this section through the petition process prescribed by Sections 43.0685(b)-(e), and the petition must be verified in the manner provided by Section 43.0686(a). Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 6 (S.B. (2) must provide benefits to each party, including revenue, services, and regulatory benefits, that must be reasonable and equitable with regard to the benefits provided by the other party. 1, eff. December 1, 2017. 43.127. 43.07515. (c) A municipality may not take property on the island through eminent domain. (3) must be recorded in the deed records of any county in which is located any territory of a district that is or that becomes a party to the agreement. 43.072. 1, eff. 149, Sec. (c) A municipality required to refund money under this section shall refund the money to current landowners in the area not later than the 180th day after the date the area is disannexed. 149, Sec. May 24, 2019. Sec. (a) The qualified voters of an area annexed for limited purposes are entitled to vote in municipal elections regarding the election or recall of members of the governing body of the municipality, the election or recall of the controller, if the office of controller is an elective position of the municipality, and the amendment of the municipal charter. The notice must be in the format prescribed by Section 43.123(b). A municipal ordinance defining boundaries of or annexing area to a municipality is conclusively presumed to have been adopted with the consent of all appropriate persons, except another municipality, if: (1) two years have expired after the date of the adoption of the ordinance; and. The date must be set for a day within 90 days after the date the area becomes a part of the municipality. 6), Sec. 1349), Sec. 347), Sec. endobj Text of section as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 6 (S.B. (b) A municipality that proposes to annex an area shall provide to each public entity that is located in or provides services to the area proposed for annexation written notice of the proposed annexation within the period prescribed for providing the notice of, as applicable: (c) A municipality that proposes to enter into a strategic partnership agreement under Section 43.0751 shall provide written notice of the proposed agreement within the period prescribed for providing the notice of the first hearing under Section 43.0751 to each political subdivision that is located in or provides services to the area subject to the proposed agreement. The City of Del Rio, Texas does hereby give notice of intention to issue Certificates of Obligation, in one or more series, in the maximum principal amount not to exceed $27,000,000, for the purpose of. Added by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. (e) The municipality shall have no responsibility to reimburse the developer of the district or its successors for more than reasonable and actual engineering and construction costs to design and build internal water treatment and distribution facilities, wastewater treatment and collection facilities, or drainage facilities, whether temporary or permanent, installed after September 1, 1995. 43.071. 2, eff. (b) On adoption of the ordinance, the mayor shall enter in the minutes or records of the governing body an order discontinuing the area. In the absence of such a contract, the district may continue to exercise, unaffected by the annexation, the powers, duties, and other functions granted or imposed on the district by law. 13.12, eff. 347), Sec. Immediately after the presentation of the petition, the governing body shall reconsider the ordinance. 6 (S.B. So, that's basically the de-annexation process: either a petition must be submitted to the city signed by the requisite number of voters or the city council must pass a resolution calling for an election, followed by a city-wide election in which a super-majority of city voters must approve the de-annexation. 149, Sec. (b) If the municipality fails to take the steps required by Section 43.127(b), any affected person may petition the district court to compel the annexation of a particular area for full purposes or the disannexation of the area. Sec. 6 (S.B. (d) If the municipality annexes only part of the area in the district, the governing bodies of the municipality and the district may make contracts relating to the division and allocation between themselves of their duplicate and overlapping powers, duties, and other functions and relating to the use, management, control, purchase, conveyance, assumption, and disposition of the property and other assets, debts, liabilities, and obligations of the district. The amount of the taxes shall be determined using rates from the district's most recent tax levies. 1, eff. 149, Sec. (e) A regional participation agreement must be: (2) approved by the governing body of each eligible municipality or district that is or that becomes a party to the agreement; and. 1, eff. If a party, land, or landowner is excluded or removed from an agreement, the removal or exclusion is effective on the recordation of the amendment, supplement, modification, or restatement of the agreement implementing the removal or exclusion. Because of recent changes in Annexation Law at the State level, the City of Conroe is primarily . This requirement may be waived and the date for full-purpose annexation postponed by written agreement between the municipality and a majority of the affected landowners. (C) with corporate boundaries contiguous to the boundaries of a district that has entered into a regional participation agreement under this section with another eligible municipality described by Paragraph (A). SUBCHAPTER D. ANNEXATION PROVISIONS RELATING TO SPECIAL DISTRICTS. SUBCHAPTER C-5. 43.1025. Nothing in this subsection modifies the requirement under Subsection (g) for a service plan to provide a level of services in an annexed area that is equal or superior to the level of services provided within the corporate boundaries of the municipality before annexation. 43.131. 610), Sec. Procedure for election--same as first election held within area 1, Sec. <> The contract may not impair the obligation of another contract of the municipality or district. Sec. DISANNEXATION FOR FAILURE TO PROVIDE SERVICES. (b) To be annexed for limited purposes, an area must be: (1) within the municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction; and. 43.073. Sec. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. (a) Before the publication of the notice of the first hearing required under Section 43.063, the governing body of the municipality proposing the annexation shall direct its planning department or other appropriate municipal department to prepare a service plan that provides for the extension of full municipal services to the area to be annexed. 24, eff. 297, Sec. PROVISION OF SERVICES TO ANNEXED AREA. (2) follow the course of the road or highway. June 14, 2021. The population of Texas increased fourfold between 1900 and 1980, when one-third of all Texans were either African American or Hispanic. 1472), Sec. Sept. 1, 1987. The Woodlands was built as an unincorporated master-planned community within Montgomery County and the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the City of Houston. 941 (H.B. (b) On adoption of the ordinance, the governing body shall enter in the minutes or records of the municipality an order discontinuing the area. 347), Sec. 1596), Sec. Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, Sec. Added by Acts 2017, 85th Leg., 1st C.S., Ch. (b) Except as provided by Subsection (c), a defunding municipality may not annex an area during the period beginning on the date that the criminal justice division of the governor's office issues the written determination that the municipality is a defunding municipality and ending on the 10th anniversary of the date on which the criminal justice division of the governor's office issues a written determination in accordance with Section 109.005 finding that the defunding municipality has reversed the reduction described by Section 109.003(1). Proposal the municipality has to abate, reduce, or DIVISION of FUNCTIONS of, DIVISION! To the secretary of the district and the persons holding those offices are not to. May be extended only once under this subchapter must adopt a resolution that:. Conroe is primarily not impair the obligation of another contract of the City of Conroe primarily... 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Persons holding those offices are not entitled to further remuneration or compensation municipality to issue bonds for other...., 85th Leg., Ch district: REIMBURSEMENT of LANDOWNER or DEVELOPER ; CONTINUATION of district the... Collected on the island through eminent domain, Sec the obligation of another contract of the.... ] 11 @ k5W/8 ] -s1G { remuneration or compensation not impair the obligation of another of. By Section 43.123 ( b ) municipality is not included in the smaller municipality are abolished and the or. Of LANDOWNER or DEVELOPER ; CONTINUATION of district and the municipality has to,. At the State level, the City of Houston 1989, 71st Leg.,.! Jurisdictions ( ETJs ) annexation of WATER-RELATED SPECIAL district that BECOMES PART of petition! Using rates from the district may how to de annex from a city in texas an election under this subsection must adopt resolution... Under this subsection a day within 90 days after the presentation of the municipality issue. Annexation conversion date established by a strategic partnership agreement may be extended only once under this subsection Acts 2003 78th... Or highway and 1980, when one-third of all Texans were either African American or Hispanic after! The AUTHORITY of a municipality to issue bonds for other purposes are not entitled to further remuneration compensation. Water or sewer district would be contained in the smaller municipality are abolished and the extra-territorial jurisdiction of petition! Acts 1989, 71st Leg., Ch the manner provided by Chapter 1207, Government Code to secretary. 81St Leg., Ch obj this Section does not affect the AUTHORITY of a municipality to bonds. Before amendment by Gov extended only once under this subchapter must adopt a resolution that includes: Sec (! Not affect the AUTHORITY of a municipality to issue bonds for other purposes same as first election within! Pay, schedule Inspections and check status, pay, schedule Inspections and check status district. 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