tequila fermentation processBlog

tequila fermentation process

Agave fields are everywhere in Jalisco and come harvest time, you will see in the jimadores (field workers) removing what looks like a giant, spiky pineapple from the ground. When the 'head' comes out of the condenser it's generally partly discarded (drained off) because it contains Acetaldehyde (Aldehyde), Ethyl Acetate (Esther), Propanol (Higher Alcohol) and Isobutilic and Isoamilic Alcohols (Higher Alcohols). However, 51% of the sugarsneed to come from the Weber blue agave plant. It is a key contributor to Casa Sauza's tequilas. Thanks Grover! Experts expect the tequila market to expand to over $15 billion by 2029. Stainless steel pot stills that have copper coils on the inside, at the Las Americas tequila distillery in Amatitan, Jalisco. Since alcohol boils at a lower temperature than water, it will turn to steam before the water does, and rise up in the still. There is nothing too interesting in this mechanized process, but the tequila bottles themselves can be quite interesting. The tequila-making process is thousands of years old, and an exquisite technique that has stayed relatively consistent over the years. . A longer fermentation normally creates a fuller more robust bodied tequila. Copper provides flavor and give tequila a rustic quality and reacts with sulphur in mosto for smoother flavors. Extraction. . Most producers make the tequila at about 55-60% alcohol (110-120 proof), and dilute it with de-mineralized water to the desired proof 35-40% abv** (alcohol by volume). Just like every other step in the process, tequila distilleries employ different methods. The agaves go on top of that. excellent, thanks for the information. temperature, sunlight, fermentation process and each distillery has its . div#stuning-header .dfd-stuning-header-bg-container {background-color: #060a57;background-size: cover;background-position: right center;background-attachment: scroll;background-repeat: no-repeat;}#stuning-header div.page-title-inner {min-height: 400px;}, regions of the country are authorized to produce tequila, tequila is the second most popular spirit, 9.89 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach $15.57 billion by 2029, WSET Certification for Spirits, Wine and Sake, Rum Production: Tips, Challenges, and Optimization. When acid is used during the conversion process, it can take as little as 4 hours to complete. Liquor bottles tend to have a certain shape or style and each style of liquor tends to follow a trend. Why not join us and the rest of our tequila-loving community on these fine sites: Please join, follow, and introduce yourself. The 6-year old agave came from Mexpan, Ixtln del Ro, which is located 80 kilometers from Tequila in the Mexican state of Nayarit. If you ask a few tequileros, you will receive different opinions about what each style of oven brings to the final product. Grinding: Physical separation of alcohol and water. Another example is the Phenols, which cause the spicy and sometimes medicinal notes. Don Julio is a brand of tequila produced in Mexico.It is the largest brand in value and eighth largest in volume. I know copper pot stills have to be cleaned often (steamed) but they do provide a nice taste. Going through the second round will create a clear silver liquid. Screw Mill (82.9): When used all by itself, a screw mill is an efficient compromise between tahona and roller mill. But the time involved can still be relatively long (between 36 72 hours). Some products made by Herradura are said to use this process. The second part is anaerobic, where no oxygen is present. This takes a long time, and isnt the most efficient process, so its costly. Extra-aejo tequila: Tequila aged at least three years in oak barrels of no more than 600 liters. In terms of ratings, it comes in very close to the scores for roller mill alone. It is also important to understand that, just as with whiskey and rum, the barrel gives tequila its final color and an oaky flavor. The yeast used during fermentation consumes the sugars in the juice and produces alcohol as a byproduct. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The limits are +-.5% abv except for the limits of 35% abv Minimum and 55% Max. The Hornos. In my opinion when you hear brands say they cut most of the heads and most of the tails and only keep the heart, it can be sweet, bland and less complex, which I find boring. The agave harvest is hard work and the jimadores who work the field and pry each plant from the ground make quick work of the job. The Debate About Tequila's Safety. gracias por la informacion. On Facebook, many know me by the name Lou Agave. The liquid in the cucurbit is heated or boiled, and the vapour rises into the anbik, where it cools by contact with the walls and condenses, running down the spout into the receiver. Stainless steel provides an elegant, clean finish. A neat stack of barrels house the tequilas of Corazon as they age to become either reposado or anejo tequilas. Olmeca Tequila, for example, uses both types of cooking processes, and it gets lower scores among our users because its a mixto (not 100% agave) tequila. They are more expensive than a still made of stainless steel, and they will wear out over time. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. We set out early in the morning on May 16, 2020. The first step in this process is to bake the agave. Here you will find distilleries making premium brands like Casamigos, Cazadores, Corazn, and Tezn. excellente ! Of course, distillers have always appreciated the functional role that yeast playsspirits could not exist without it. It is in the still room where tequila becomes tequila. Once the pia has been baked properly, it is time to shred it and extract the juice, called mosoto, from the bulb. This stage is also when many of the core flavor compounds in a tequila are born. The US requires all Tequila to be imported and sold at 80 proof and the legal maximum limit in order to call it Tequila is 55% abv or 110 proof. They feel that their gentle maceration with a tahona, let's them end up well below industry standards at this stage, so they are able to retain more complex and natural flavors. Some brands prefer to produce (ferment) only during winter months, to ensure optimal quality, as cold temperatures keep the yeast alive longer while the sugars are converted into alcohol, but it takes longer. And as weve seen, the more exposure the tequila has with copper, the higher the scores. The sugary mosto is added to fermentation tanks with water and yeast. They become dark brown and look caramelized, like a sweet and mushy honeycomb. We use cookies to give you the best experience. Tequila and mezcal is all about flavor, and some of these flavors are created during the fermentation phase of the process. The basic requirements for fermentation are yeast, water and the juices of the cooked agave. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. To minimize this, roller mill processes usually avoid putting the fibers into the fermentation tank. The first distillation takes about 2 hours, and although some say that smaller pot stills make a better product, overall it takes the must at 4-5% alcohol and turns it into a product of around 25%, where the alcohol boils off leaving most of the water and solids behind. The idea is to separate and purify the fermented "musts" to eliminate any undesired elements, and doing so is called 'cutting heads and tails'. Noise and especially music (some say beethoven works best) make the yeast react, and some producers play music in the fermentation area, as it seems music has a positive effect during this process. Autoclaves at Cazadores have been modified to allow boiling of liquid coming from a diffuser. These are the two essential tequila classifications: The regulations enforced by the Tequila Regulatory Council are quite detailed and complex because this tight control ensures that every tequila leaving Mexico meets certain standards. Tahona (85.42): Similar to the hand-crushed method, the tahona uses a 2-3 ton wheel, usually made of volcanic stone, to squeeze the fibers and release the sugars. A fast fermentation process and/or using closed fermentation tank tops can result in a yeasty (bready/sour) aroma/taste.. not what you want. Along with this, we utilize native yeasts from the region that occur naturally in the air. It's enjoyed throughout the world, with a unique taste, tight production regulations, and a fragrant flair that give tequila a special appeal. As with other spirits, the subtleties of different tequilas come down to different variables in the production process. Distilling the sotol plant into a spirit also resembles the process of making both Tequila and Mezcal. The horno, or clay brick oven, retains some of that old-world charm and is used by a number of tequila distilleries like Cuervo Mundo (the home of Jose Cuervo). In most cases, tequila will be distilled twice. The key factor that separates tequila is the fact that it is only made from the Weber blue agave plant. In limited cases a diffuser is used to shred and squeeze the starches out of usually uncooked agaves (not a preferred method). 3. In the fermentation room, the process of making tequila mirrors every other distilled spirit. The effect of yeast strain, the agave age and the cultivation field location of agave were evaluated using kinetic parameters and volatile compound production in the tequila fermentation process. I say we owe the yeast a big 'Thank You'. The fermentation process takes 4-6 days, depending on the season. How is Tequila Made? Over a thousand years ago, the Aztecs were using agave to create pluque, an alcoholic drink that had a sour taste and cloudy appearance. The shredders are reminiscent of those used to mill sugar cane that have long been used in the production of rum. Grover selected a 50.7 kilo mass of perfectly cooked, slow-roasted agave (it spent 3 days in a brick oven at the Fortaleza distillery). The type of yeast most commonly found in tequila is saccharomyces cerevisiae, which contains many strains. This bottle is tall and skinny, giving off a very regal flair that dwarfs every other bottle on the shelf. Get to know tequila as the sophisticated spirit it is with Patrn's Tequila Guide. Very good information on the processes. Standards must be upheld and met for any tequila brand that wants to be sold under this title. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I don't see anything wrong with this, as some very high quality brands do it. Stainless Steel (78.85): A process that is mostly stainless steel will have sulfur compounds in the final product. where the steam softens their texture and their starches become sugars suitable for fermentation. The important thing to keep in mind here is that the agave fibers are not broken in this process, which results in lower methanol levels created in fermentation. The 'heart' has a balance of all the different components, but in lower concentration (Aldehydes, Esthers, Methanol and Higher Alcohols). Many distilleries use large, often stainless steel tanks of up to 100,00 litres, as a larger body of liquid will not heat or cool as quickly as a smaller one. The must (mosto) is left to ferment but unfortunately some modern distilleries use synthetic yeast, sometimes with chemicals, to 'accelerate' the yeast growth, and fermentation only takes two to three days. Any agave-based spirit can be produced outside of these designated areas, but it cannot be calledtequila. This gives it more body and a silky texture. We proudly pour each crystal clear bottle of Ave giving our signature aroma with hints of citrus, and sweet agave. One larger spike reaches out from the tips of each leaf and this one is definitely not blunt. In either oven, when the baking process is complete after 2 or 3 days of steam cooking, the agave pias are reduced to a fraction of their original size. Their hydrolysis takes 11 hours to complete. Likewise, the bottle of Don Julio 1942 (sells for around $100) has a stately presence. Will you write one that speaks to the fermentation process? However, the fermentation process also plays a significant role in various aspects of the sensory profile of the alcohol - primarily the flavors and aromas of the tequila. In this process, blasts of high-pressure water are used to remove the fibers from raw agave. To learn more about how tequila and mezcal suppliers and brands are performing on the menu in the state of California, download our market report here: https://overproof.com/agave/. This is the same method used by agave nectar producers. Carlos Camarena and a few others do not dilute tequila with water. For a distillate to be termed a tequila at least 51% of the fermentable sugars in the mosto must originate from agave. Bellagave then uses a slow fermentation process (48-60 hours) and is double distilled in pot stills. Other barrels used include new and used white or French oak and sherry casks. The column still at the Tequilea distillery (NOM 1146) in Tequila, Jalisco. Tequila producers will remove the pia before baking it and extracting the juice, which is then fermented in barrels containing yeast. For that reason most producers avoid it. This is important to keep in mind, with the heat in central Mexico. Originally, tequila producers would bake pias in large pits containing rocks to hold in the heat. Siempre Releases Exclusivo-Vivo Tequila Made With Wild Fermentation: Limited to 9,000 bottles. The producer told me that they get to do this because their tahona is a less radical procedure over standard milling. During the fermentation, the yeast will convert the sugar of the diluted mosto into alcohol. When acid is used during the conversion process, it can take as little as 4 hours to complete. Process Matters in Tequila Production. Let's learn about Brands & Agave Spirits on FB, Instagram, and YouTube. Stay away from Diffuser made Tequila. Once the agave is cooked it goes through mills to extract the juices from their fibers to obtain the agave juice for fermentation. This process takes a long time, and is less common, but results in lower levels of methanol. one to keep and study again ! Among those is the Olmeca Distillery where Tequila Tezon is produced, Tequila Tapatio, the producers of El Tesoro de Don Felipe, as well as the distillery producing Patron Tequila. Today, a mechanical shredder can be used to expedite this process, but some producers prefer to use a stone wheel, known as a tahona, to crush and juice the pia. Very informative.. Its basically like,Do you perfer Filet Mignon or do you want baloney? The fermentation process of tequila is what gives it its unique flavor profile. Today's tahonas are operated either by tractors or a central engine that slowly moves the arm attached to the wheel around the pit, but they require a worker or two to work the pit as the 2-ton wheel crushes the agave. Where a batch of tequila goes after the still room is determined by the final product it is destined to be. We took every rating within the Tequila Matchmaker app database (48,345 in total) and analyzed them based on three different steps in the production process: Cooking/Hydrolysis; Extraction; and Distillation. The tails are a cloudy liquid with very unpleasant smells and taste and all brands cut tails. From there, the tequila is ready to be aged. Every tequila distillery relies on a specific set of stills. This process can take 50 to 72 hours when it is done in a masonry oven, or 8 to 14 hours if it is done in an . The fermentation process can take anywhere from seven to 12 days and is usually done in large wooden vats or stainless steel tanks. A "large heart" area means some heads and some tails are included in the liquid that will be produced as tequila. The principal complex carbohydrate present in agave is inulin, which is a polymeric fructose with a terminal glucose residue. I believe it is acceptable to add a very small amount of water to get the tequila from say 114 proof or less to 110 proof or the same to get to 80 proof, and still be considered 'distilled to proof'. After the first round, distillers are left with a cloudy liquid known as ordinario. Unlike whisky where the majority of time is spent in the ageing process, producing tequila requires a vast amount of time invested in cultivation. I'm a Tequila/Agave Connoisseur, Taster & Reviewer. Hey, we're all about being social! at patrn:two parallel processes. Tequila, as mentioned, is double distilled, but some distillers do triple distillation. But, in honor of this annual event, we thought it would be fun to dig into the Tequila Matchmaker database and pull out some statistics that will make you firmly establish your tequila geek credentials at any gathering. This process turns a plant into a tequila that can be used in a variety of different drinks or sipped neat. To turn the mosoto into a spirit, it has to go through the fermentation process. This keeps the drink from having these potential benefits ( 1 ). The agave plant is harvested and the pias (large central cores) are cooked and crushed. This is longer than most diffuser products because they dont use acid to speed up the process. Many tequila brands have a story behind their bottle design. Diffuser (59.41): By far the lowest scoring products are those that convert their products using the diffuser alone, without the use of heat. Diffuser/Roller Mill (73.19): A diffuser used in conjunction with a roller mill happens when the diffuser is used after cooking with heat. The result, however, generated lower scores than just brick oven or autoclave alone. Some examples of tequila produced in this way are all Sauza products, Casa Dragones, and Cazadores. . there are three different methods being used today to make tequila. Traditional tequila processes begin by cooking agaves to convert their starches to sugars. Essentially, there are five different types of tequila. The agave plant's underground 'pina' is harvest by jimadores for tequila production in the red dirt fields outside the Corazon Tequila distillery in Los Altos, Jalisco, Mexico. Roller Mill/Tahona (79.1): Combining these process is something that Siete Leguas, Patron, and Olmeca Altos does. And like fine wines, the un. During fermentation, the alcohol content of the tequila increases and the flavor and aroma of the tequila develop. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The word mezcal is rooted in the Aztec language and loosely translates . Specific yeast may be added to accelerate and control the fermentation. At 83C these and other components start to vaporize. As mentioned above, more methanol is created during this process because fibers are torn or broken. Typically, the lower the level of methanol in a tequila, the better. Most fermentation pots are wood pipons or open stainless steel vats, but other types like cement or clay can be used. Fibers to obtain the agave is inulin, which cause the spicy and sometimes medicinal notes turn the into... Made with Wild fermentation: limited to 9,000 bottles your browsing experience it is destined to be under! Round, distillers are left with a cloudy liquid with very unpleasant smells and and... The Phenols, which cause the spicy and sometimes medicinal notes spirit can be produced outside of these flavors created. 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