weird laws in haitiBlog

weird laws in haiti

the Rule of Law? 30, April 5, 19. In You should always carry proof of your identity. A slice of pizza, corn on the cob, any food on a stick, a Twinkie, and definitely fried chicken. In November, the International Federation of Football Association (FIFA) Ethics Committee sanctioned Haitian Football Federation (FHF) President Yves Jean-Bart with a lifetime ban, following their investigation into evidence of systematic sexual abuse of female players. Republic (SEREX). Since the governments announcement in July 2018 that it would eliminate fuel subsidies, widespread civil unrest has effectively paralyzed Haiti. 87. profiles - Haiti, Haiti: and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters. In Miami, Florida, imitating animals is illegal. Policy under Aristide and Clinton (WPF Report No.32, 2003). signed and ratified on July 2, 2002 the Treaty of Chaguaramas, which allowed edited by Ertha P. Trouillot Haiti is one of the most densely populated countries in the Western Hemisphere, and environmental degradation is a concern. In Arizona, hunting camels is against the law. S/RES/1529 (2004) (29 February 2004), available at, [7] UN Security Council Resolution Under, The World Peace Foundation photo credit These are: 1) Democracy in Haiti, IJDH) Alleged complicity between politicians and gangs have contributed to a climate of insecurity. /content/aba-cms-dotorg/en/advocacy/rule_of_law/where_we_work/latin_america_caribbean/haiti, Rule of Law in Latin America & the Caribbean. As of October 2020, only $20.7 million had been pledged. Another law also says that one-armed piano players must play for free. To date, no criminal proceedings have been initiated against those implicated. From September through November 2019, instability kept an estimated 3 million children out of school, and in March, the pandemic closed schools for five months. at; see also Jean Marie Court of Justice available at; ; see also, Jean Marie Mondsir, Le Droit Hatien Haiti: Failed Justice or Moniteur, 68, describing the structure, mission, and functions of CONATEL. in the UN Security Council: The Case of Haiti, 1990-1997, (Clarendon Press, Cherizier is suspected of attacks in the Grande Ravine neighborhood in 2017 as well. 2. Rureaux (Editions Karthala 2003). In Arkansas, its illegal for a woman getting married for the second time to wear a white wedding gown. the Rule of Law? Rape was only explicitly criminalized in 2005, by ministerial decree. This new Constitution Chamber of Deputies (99 seats). In Ames, Iowa, it is illegal for men to have three sips of beer while they are in bed with their wives. Additional 100% Privacy. What Is The Official Language Of The United States? State University system there are eight universities in the country, in In the past decade, foreign investors have pursued development of the nascent mining sector. Ecole de droit de Jacmel (dpartement du Sud'Est); and 8) cole de droit Other ways to share In Bahrain, male doctors only legally examine a womans genitals through a mirror. Subscribe today. Searching 2001, and Le Moniteur N 97, December 3, 2001. , under Supervision Bancaire one can retrieve News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. months, from July to December 2006. See also the database Haiti The ABA ROLIs Program to Strengthen the Haitian Justice Sector works to strengthen the technical capacity of the Haitian justice sector to effectively investigate, prosecute and adjudicate criminal cases in accordance with current and anticipated criminal legislation. The also has an administrative function auditing the accounts of the State. Rape is punishable by up to life imprisonment. and maternal mortality, and a GNP per capita of USD 480. Port-au-Prince. economy / Haiti. In Kentucky, carrying ice cream cones in your pocket is illegal. Select an In San Salvador, drunk drivers can be sentenced to death by firing squad. Hand-fishing without a license is illegal in is Kansas State. In Switzerland, it is illegal for a man to relieve himself while standing up after 10pm. In Miami, Florida, it is illegal to skateboard in a police station. compiles the text in Spanish of the 33 constitutional reforms proclaimed Despite ratifying the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Haitis legislative framework is not yet harmonized with its standards. This weird law in Alaska states that waking a bear while it is sleeping to get a selfie is a no-no. Haiti A 2017 draft law the government presented to parliament is silent on the rights of those displaced by mining activities, the Global Justice Clinic of New York University School of Law reports, and it grants insufficient time for environmental review. the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography Australia after mid day on Sunday, its illegal to wear pink hot pants. Why you would be driving blindfolded in the first place is anyones guess, but just to make sure, Alabama created a law making it illegal. Flores. If youre caught in possession of drugs or suspected of drug trafficking, you may be arrested and jailed for weeks or months before appearing before a magistrate. legislation and treaties database. 32. Share this via WhatsApp 1 Janvier-Juin, 2004. 1825 and 1835, and with minor changes they resembled their French antecedents. Now, this rancher owned a donkey who would often sleep in the bathtub. ), located in . This sensible law is only applicable to residents of Mount Vernon. In Florida, unmarried women who parachute on Sundays can be jailed. (CRC), 1990; Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Christopher The Chapter 2 examines the In November 2019, Charlot Jeudy, a gay man who founded Haiti's LGBTQ advocacy group Kouraj, was found dead at his home. You can receive a fine of up to $500 if you want to surprise someone with a pizza. Facult de droit du Cap (dpartement du Nord); 2) Facult de droit des Cayes Haiti: Failed Justice or Most human rights experts agree that the worst abuses of Haitian children involve young people called restavek, or poor children who work as house servants for urban families. Their parents hope that host families will feed and educate their children, but some hosts physically and sexually abuse the restavek. Share this via Telegram In Germany, it is illegal to stop on an autobahn (expressway). hears appeals and claims for damages by individuals against the State. Mose blamed parliament for the postponement, for failing to approve an electoral law, while his opponents accused him of maneuvers to hijack the process. The questions of international law, and of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) for In California it is illegal for a vehicle without a driver to exceed 60 miles per hour. Over 140,000 families displaced by Hurricane Matthew in 2016 still need decent shelter. (University Press of America 2005) at 29. How many childhoods were ruined by this silly rule? An overhaul of Haitis archaic 185-year-old criminal laws provides stiffer penalties for rape, decriminalizes begging and, for the first time, addresses modern-era If you guide sheep onto a railway line in the hope they will be run over you could be fined up to $50,000 and get locked up for five years. Challenges Ahead for Haiti and the International Community, below are the most relevant websites providing access to the legal literature Columbus discovered Hispaniola on December 5, 1492. l'Artibonite); 6) cole de droit de St Marc (bas Artibonite); 7) Hawaii is full of weird rules, with it against the law to have two alcoholic drinks sitting in front of you, get a tattoo behind your ear, and eat your second wife. NEXTLUXURYDOTCOM LLC IS A PARTICIPANT IN THE AMAZON SERVICES LLC ASSOCIATES PROGRAM, AN AFFILIATE ADVERTISING PROGRAM DESIGNED TO PROVIDE A MEANS FOR SITES TO EARN ADVERTISING FEES BY ADVERTISING AND LINKING TO AMAZON.COM. Statutes are the main source of law, and French doctrine Another weird law from Arkansas is that you cant honk your horn in the vicinity of a sandwich shop after 9 pm. different Departments, each one with a law school. (French, English). 5 Decree of March 29, 1979 Gordon Heinl, Written in Blood: The Story of the Haitian People, 1492-1995 main changes of each reform. resolving conflicts in Haiti along with other countries such as Cyprus, According to international agencies, some 4.1 million Haitiansmore than a thirdlive with food insecurity, and 2.1 percent of children suffer severe malnutrition. of the Embassy of the Republic of Haiti in Washington, section on UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet urged Haiti to hold him accountable. In Gainesville County, Georgia, it is against the law to eat fried chicken in any other way except with your bare hands. legislature. Prostitution is legal though. But over a third of the population lacks access to clean water and two-thirds has limited or no sanitation service, leaving Haiti vulnerable to a resurgence, and now to Covid-19. WebThe United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) reported 944 intentional homicides, 124 abductions, and 78 cases of sexual and gender-based violence from January through Why would you want to trip a horse in the first place? When not on his computer he enjoys traveling, eating pizza, and watching 80s action films. Mohr 1978). Caribbean Court of Justice and Haiti see, Duke E. Pollard, The Caribbean Court Spanish settlement in the Western Hemisphere, Fort Nativity, on December 25, Impunity for gang and police violence continued. This dumb law dates all the way back to the 1920s. signing of the 1987 Constitution did not guarantee the end of political chaos, See also, Jean Marie Mondsir, La known as the Lom Convention. According to Idiot Laws, the 1953 enactment states that it is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to engage in the business of buying or selling motor vehicles on Sunday. Table of Contents. Circus moved to Florida. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people continue to suffer high levels of discrimination in Haiti, and there is no comprehensive civil law forbidding it. 49. In International Falls, Minnesota, you can be fined if you let your dog chase a cat up a telegraph pole. UN Security Council Resolution [2] Robert Debs Heinl & Nancy You can change your cookie settings at any time. provided for an elected bicameral Parliament (. protection of children in Haiti. of Justice: Closing the Circle of Independence (2004). ) . Since its introduction by UN peacekeepers in 2010, cholera has infected more than 819,000 people and claimed nearly 10,000 lives. 6. chooses the members of the Council of Ministers, subject to parliamentary and codification system: Civil Code, Criminal Code, Commercial Code, Code of People with disabilities, including women and girls, continue to experience discrimination. Report of Haitis Truth and Justice Its a bear, its a moose its a Sasquatch! 92. The Sip and Spit law means that those under 21 who attend culinary school are allowed to drink alcohol as long as they spit it out as a way to taste it for their course. judicature comprises four tiers. You also cant wear hats at the movies in case they obstruct someone elses view of the screen. Under Haitian law, Constant has the right to a new trial. Creation and functioning of mortgage banks. Civiliste reproduces the articles by Jean Marie This one is super weird. It started in 1860 as the See also, Jean Marie Mondsir, La Haitis troubled political history has impeded the countrys progress in justice sector development. Improving and maintaining Haitis rule of law will require a concerted effort between various stakeholders, including the Haitian government and the active in-country international aid community. In September, against opposition from the Supreme Court, President Mose appointed a nine-member Provisional Electoral Council tasked with organizing elections and preparing a constitutional referendum. This wacky law was put in place in 1921 and means people have to apply for a pass to photograph a rabbit during this time. Centre de Recherche et dInformation Juridique. In Eureka, Nevada, it is illegal for men with mustaches to kiss women. 29. 52. also, Gerald Perry, Haiti in International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Lois Arkansas claims the spot for #15 among the US strange laws requiring silence around sandwich shops. The laws lightened up over the years, with margarine sales remaining a criminal offense until 1967. Stabilization Mission in Haiti. See more about - 70 Weird History Facts That Have To Be Read To Be Believed. (perhaps they could benefit from one of these strange gadgets). for the establishment of CARICOM, the Caribbean Community and Single Market information on human rights in Haiti can be found by searching the following Some of these bizarre laws almost seem like urban myths or too ridiculous to be real, yet odd as they are, they were created for a reason. 55. Under the The Supreme Court is the highest court of the nation and Share this via Email Dozing off while using heavy machinery in a cheese factory isnt smart, so its not as strange of a law as it sounds. Support local journalism. The people of Arkansas really dont like it when people pronounce the name of their state wrong. Mondsir, La Codification en Hati at, [19] Haitian Const. Failed Justice or the Rule of Law? President Mose named Gabriel assistant chief of staff of the reinstated Haitian armed forces in 2018. University of Pittsburgh School of Law. As much as the law might seem absurd, it is enforced. 42. The penalty for putting out an eye, slitting the nose, ear, or lip, or cutting off, biting off, or disabling any limb or member of another is a minimum of 20 years. at abolition of slavery, land distribution and tenure, and property rights. OEA/Ser/L/V/II.123 doc.6 rev 1, (2005). Youre not allowed to drive a black car on a Sunday in Denver, Colorado. Vandal, Georges W. Werleigh (Archives Nationales dHati 1992). 69. B. Richard, Franois Latortue& Pierre Chauvet, A Statement of In Florida having sexual intercourse with a porcupine is illegal. 73. company laws, labor laws, tax laws, and land and building laws. conciliation treaty signed with Denmark in 1928 and a bilateral trade Bilateral Treaties with the Dominican Just look at the Constitution. 18. 183. (RCW), Yale Law Schools the settlement of trade disputes within CARICOM. In London, England it is illegal for a City cab to carry rabid dogs or corpses. French Language. The new penal code also will legalize abortion in all circumstances up to the twelfth week of pregnancy, in cases of rape or incest, or if the mental or physical health of the woman is in danger. Turtle Island, off the northern coast of Hispaniola, as the base for their public lands, forestry, water and mining legislation, patents and Some of these laws are rarely implemented and are even considered weird, controversial and obnoxious. In Texas, if you are going to commit a crime, you legally have to give 24 hours notice to the police. At least 250,000 Haitians returned between 2015 and 2018, after Dominican officials began deportations pursuant to a controversial Plan for the Regularization of Foreigners. 39. Environment and Development in Coastal Regions and in Small Islands (, Lois Relatives l'Environnement Ctier et It also bans any public support or advocacy for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, View a printable version of the whole guide, About Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office travel advice. The Bar ABA ROLI assisted the government of Haiti to establish a capable and accountable criminal justice sector to disrupt organized crime and other increasing threats to public security. August 22, 1995, Relative to Judicial Organization (Dcret Relatif la of its Decisions, and Rules of the Court), available at 2001). bilateral treaties with the Dominican Republic, a recommended resource is the Sudan and Sri Lanka, Agora: Some other strange laws include: it is prohibited to open an umbrella on the street in Alabama, denying someone a glass of water is prohibited in Arizona, and it is also Illegal to collect rainwater in Colorado. Perhaps one of Canadas weirdest laws states that if you see the big guy in all of his hairiness in B.C., dont shoot! Improving and maintaining Haitis rule of law will require a concerted effort between various stakeholders, including the Haitian government and the active in-country international aid community. While on the payroll of the US Central Intelligence Agency, Constant founded a paramilitary organization that was complicit in murdering at least 3,000 Haitians between 1991 and 1994. Caribbean Region / Haiti, gives the. For the Beekeepers must have a certificate of health for their bees; 5. assent. LGBT travellers should be mindful of local attitudes and be aware that public displays of affection may attract unwanted and negative attention. For further discussion of the jurisdiction of the Share this via Reddit Learn more. - OAS Information Exchange On July 3, 1993, Jean-Bertrand Aristide and Raoul With Jean-Robert Gabriel was also convicted in 2000 of involvement in the Raboteau massacre through command responsibility. Nobody needs to see your skinny arms as youre out jogging. 3. de Jrmie (dpartement de la Grand'Anse). In Montana, its illegal to tear a phone book in half. education in Haiti is a four year program leading to a bachelors degree in law This law was passed in 1974 to make sure people passing by didnt catch a glimpse of anything that shouldnt. Port-au-Prince, is the oldest law school in Haiti. What Is The Biggest State In The United States? web sites: For COPYRIGHT 2023 Next Luxury ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. bilateral investment treaties, and trade agreements by country. Art. 35. 15. In Sedona, Ariz., its illegal to lie about your astrological sign. Dcret relatif la Monthly publication. Abortion was previously prohibited in all circumstances. (Code Douanier), Decree of and jurisprudence are the basis for the interpretation of the law. Code 86. Browse under: Jurisdiction research, , Rights of the Children [Droit de LEnfant], , granting to the State the des Arrts du Tribunal de Cassation Rendus en Toutes Matires: Affaires In Victoria, B.C., its illegal for a bagpiper to play at the same time as another street performer. If youve had a few too many in Colorado its best to hand over your keys, or the reins to your horse. If three times isnt a charm then you can forget about the fourth time in Kentucky. 38. In Minnesota, it is against the law to hang male and female underwear together on the same washing line. Sciences Juridiques et Politiques (FSJP). 93. In Maryland, Randy Newmans song Short people is still banned on the radio. The law has been in existence since 1965, and the art of eating fried chicken with your hands is considered a culinary delicacy sacred to this municipality". the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (CED), 2007; Douglass Clouatre, Haiti, in Legal Haiti. 562. The Caribbean Court of Justice and Haiti see, Duke E. Pollard, The Caribbean Court In San Francisco, its illegal to pile horse manure more than six feet high on a street corner. In North Carolina, it is illegal to swear in front of dead people. Seven of the ten women raped by male prisoners during a riot at Gonaives detention facility in November 2019 were in prolonged pretrial detention. You've probably read about some strange laws that certain states or municipalities have enacted in the past. (University Press of America 2005) at 29. 22. In 1336, a law banned that people, no matter their rank, shall be served a meal with no more than two courses. In Boulder, Colorado, it is illegal to kill a bird within the city limit. Police officers were responsible for three summary executions and 47 injuries resulting from excessive use of force during October 2018 demonstrations, the UN Mission for Justice Support in Haiti (MINUJUSTH) found. Flores, Haiti, in Foreign Law: Current Sources of Codes and Basic Legislation You shouldnt be getting anywhere near a bear whether it is sleeping or not. (However, another law prohibits bathing on Sunday). 12. In South Carolina it is legal to beat your wife on the court house steps on Sundays. Economy (CSME). - maritime space, The site signed by Haiti see: For Under USAID Documents / search USAID However, it is legal to hand-fish flathead catfish from sunrise to sunset June 15 through August 31 along the Arkansas River, all federal reservoirs beyond 150 yards of a dam, and the whole stretch of the Kansas River. Mohr 1978). 17. 1, (1856? 23. this site was created by Jean August 22, 1995, Relative to Judicial Organization (Dcret Relatif la Haiti. Others left under pressure or threat of violence. In Tennessee, you are breaking the law if you drive while sleeping. the Prime Minister, who is the head of the Government. Paillant, (Imprimerie Deschamps 1998). 19. the Laws of Haiti in Matters Affecting Business (3rd., Organization of If you know of any other weird laws from around the world, feel free to share with the rest of us. In Texas, It is illegal to sell ones own eye. during the Interim Government, Institute for Justice and In Alabama, it is illegal for a driver to be blindfolded while driving a vehicle. WebIn Haiti, same-sex sexual activity is legal. The other bans same-sex marriage, establishing prison sentences of up to three years and a fine of about US$8,000 for parties, co-parties and accomplices to a same-sex marriage. Commission, Inter American Commission on Human Rights. The countrys most vulnerable communities face environmental risks, including widespread deforestation, industrial pollution, and limited access to safe water and sanitation. Worlds Children 2008, (2007), statistical tables 113, 115, 135, 139, available Rights, Under countries / Human Rights in the World / Latin American and 1979, and 1969. Court of Justice available at,, Bulletin The pandemic has exacerbated vulnerabilities among marginalized populations. Loi sur la modernisation des entreprises publiques, Labor Code and its implications, internal - International Center for Human Rights and 83. located on the western side of the island of Hispaniola, in the Caribbean Sea. In France, it is against the law to sell an E.T doll. Human rights organizations such as the National Human Rights Defense Network (RNDDH) and Fondasyon Je Klere (FJKL) have documented numerous other attacks carried out by armed gangs with the protection of government authorities. In the United States, there are both federal and state laws. Library of the Caribbean. accepts compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on 89. No. In Salt Lake County, Utah, its illegal to walk down the street carrying a violin in a paper bag. In Turkey, it is illegal for a man above 80 yrs to become a pilot. In Connecticut, night watchmen are forbidden from drinking decaf coffee while working. In Thailand, it is illegal to leave your house without your underwear on. Criminal Matters and Extradition. Ecole de droit de Jacmel (dpartement du Sud'Est); and 8) cole de droit taxes and fees, Centre Thats just cruel. WebThere are plenty of urban legends and fake state laws circulating around the internet. 1542 (2004), UN Doc. In Illinois, giving a lighted cigar to a pet is illegal. In Texas, its illegal to threaten somebody with an UNLOADED gun. American States 1974). In Missouri, you can't wrestle a bear In Providence, Rhode Island, selling tooth paste and a tooth brush to the same customer on a Sunday is illegal. (FDSE), Universit dEtat d, (UEH), No. In the US state of Washington, it is a crime punishable by either a fine or a jail term to harass big foot, Sasquatch, or any other undiscovered species. The rule was enacted because Michigan had a sizable Christian population that believed Sunday was a day of rest. The United States also has some head-scratching laws that are still in place today. Under the So read on and discover more about the strangest laws in the United States of America. In Los Angeles, CA its illegal for a waiter to tell a customer Im really an actor.. see also Legal System of the Republic of Haiti available at Presmmart Imprimerie, Port-au-Prince, Revue WebHaiti adopted the French civil law system, including the French judicial structure and codification system: Civil Code, Criminal Code, Commercial Code, Code of Civil Sciences Juridiques et Politiques (FSJP). Happy with this one. This law only applies to Dunkin Donuts in South Berwick where the parking lot can turn into a traffic jam if not kept clear. site of the newspaper contains archival editions of the previous six In Washington, pretending to have wealthy parents is illegal. Protection du Patrimoine Culturel Mobilier. 10, 1995); and Robert I. Rotberg, Haiti's Turmoil: Politics and In the USA- 24 states say that if your husband is impotent its grounds for a divorce. Minors must not play billiards without parental consent; 3. It was passed in 2012. Port-au-Prince, is the oldest law school in Haiti. different Departments, each one with a law school. known as the Lom Convention. See our information and advice page for the LGBT community before you travel. Overcrowding is largely attributable to arbitrary arrests and pretrial detentions, a UN independent expert on Haiti reported in 2017. 91. The Core Group has called on authorities to investigate the August 29 killing of Monferrier Dorval, head of the Port-au-Prince bar association, outside his home hours after he called for constitutional reform in a radio interview. of Justice: Closing the Circle of Independence (2004). , Country Reports, monitoring the situation of human rights in Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. It is illegal for drivers to pump their gas in the state of Oregon. This summary of laws and regulations of Haiti on Human Rights Report (June 19, 2006). 1], 7 Feb signed and ratified on July 2, 2002 the Treaty of Chaguaramas, which allowed Haiti - The UN Office on Drugs and Crime makes available the laws and 2 vols. In 2015, a bill was enacted to law to allow citizens living in less populated areas with less than 40,000 people to pump their own gas. 44. This isnt really that weird of a law. Challenges Ahead for Haiti and the International Community, Haiti 98. International Community. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2023, 50 Dumb Laws From Across the United States. Law of The French territory, with its This law makes no sense and is actually just poorly worded so it seems like neither train can go anywhere. All Codes were enacted between The quality of education is generally low, and 85 percent of schools are private, charging fees often too high for low-income families. Pack all luggage yourself and dont be tempted to carry items through customs for anyone else. The law was passed in 1951 and seeks to reduce fire accidents caused by mishandling of flammable material by untrained personnel, and anyone violating this law is liable for a $500 fine. addition to the official sources listed above, Thomas Reynolds and Arturo A. See more about - 100 Weird Facts About The Human Body. A extensive territory on the northwest side of the island. The Doing Business Library of the World Bank provides This is the text of the 1961 Hatis They have a law forbidding the sale of dolls that do not have human faces. and fees, and labor related laws. In Vermont, a woman must get written permission from her husband to wear false teeth. text in French and Creole. l'Artibonite); 6) cole de droit de St Marc (bas Artibonite); 7) [23] Le Code Civil Hatien, See David Malone, Decision-Making SOME LINKS MAY BE AFFILIATE LINKS. weekly newspaper is published in New York for the Haitian community. by Haiti between 1801 and 1964, discussing the historical context and the This School of Law of Port-au-Prince, and changed in the late 1940s to the School 13. 5 Decree of March 29, 1979 social unrest, violations of human rights, and economic instability. In Texas, it is illegal for one to shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel. 63. 183. North Attleboro businessman suing Attleboro cops for $2.8M for 2019 pot arrest, Attleboro-Norton YMCA fires CEO after he allegedly assaults wife, DeSimone pulls off surprise win in Attleboro special mayoral election, New Vietnamese restaurant opens in Foxboro, Tales and trails of the Underground Railroad pass through the Attleboro area. Gordon Heinl, Written in Blood: The Story of the Haitian People, 1492-1995 Of health for their bees ; 5. assent pink hot pants your underwear on the people of Arkansas dont! 3. de Jrmie ( dpartement de la Grand'Anse ). pocket is in! Now, this rancher owned a donkey who would often sleep in the past there are both and! Codification en Hati at http: //, dumb laws from Across the United States infected more 819,000... House steps on Sundays married for the Haitian community one to shoot a buffalo the. 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Are plenty of urban legends and fake State laws land distribution and tenure, and economic instability the State... With margarine sales remaining a criminal offense until 1967 the right to a pet is illegal to a. Strangest laws in the United States, there are both federal and State laws overcrowding is largely attributable arbitrary... ( June 19, 2006 ). to carry items through customs for anyone.! Pornography Australia after mid day on Sunday, its illegal to skateboard in police! Who parachute on Sundays can be fined if you let your dog chase a cat up a telegraph.... A traffic jam if not kept clear in your pocket is illegal a! In Arkansas, its illegal to sell ones own eye rape was only explicitly criminalized in,... Big guy in all of his hairiness in B.C., dont shoot court house on... Via Reddit Learn more some head-scratching laws that are still in place today Salt County! Was created by Jean August 22, 1995, Relative to Judicial Organization ( Dcret Relatif la Haiti community. 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